Change, whether it be an enforced external event, like an organisational restructure which leads to a change of job/loss of employment or choosing to be a passion pioneer and following your dreams, creating new opportunities or exploring new horizons, we all experience transition; the inner psychological process of internalising the change.
Especially when we have not chosen the change, there is often a lack of clarity about what that means for us or our teams and this can impact on our ability to internalise the change quickly and transition effectively.
Lack of clarity about the future, often leads to feelings of instability confusion and distress, when there may be a clear ending but no clear beginning. The world and your new place in it, at this time can start to feel very opaque.
A great way of getting clarity about the future and next role or steps is for both individuals and teams to focus on and be clear about their strengths.
People's greatest assets are their strengths, they are at the core of our being, however not everyone is aware of or has clarity on their strengths.
At times when transition feels challenging and opaque, discovering strengths can restore positivity and vitality and provide much needed clarity. Critically how these strengths can be maximised in times of change and transition, assists personal growth and resilience to deal with the challenges along the way and enables a refreshed refocus on the transition to purposefully explore new beginnings and future possibilities.