Lack of Control
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Retake Control with a Strengths based Approach
Transitions are sometimes are self-initiated and welcomed, however, at other times they are forced upon us, through external changes, which can create circumstances that are often out of our control.
When this happens, our thought processes and our emotional and information processing can be negatively impacted or compromised, leading to stress, decreased self belief and lower resilience.
This is when applying a Strength-based approach and tool is so effective as is enables a retaking back of control, to create a positive environment for the change and transition to occur.
By identifying Strengths, individuals and teams see themselves at their very best and the value they can deliver, helping to overcome any negative self talk and limiting beliefs.
Realising personal and professional value by mobilising and capitalising on individual and collective strengths and focussing on our potential, is critical for successful transition.