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Lack of Clarity 

Image by Nathan Dumlao

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Seeing our Strengths and futures clearly 

Change, whether it be an enforced external event, like an organisational restructure which leads to a change of job/loss of employment or being a passion pioneer and creating new opportunities and exploring new horizons, we all experience transition; the inner psychological process of internalising the change.


Particularly when we have not chosen the change, there is often a lack of clarity about what that means for us or our teams and this can impact on our ability to internalise the change quickly and transition effectively.  


Lack of clarity about the future, often leads to feelings of instability confusion and distress, when there may be a clear ending but no clear beginning.


A great way of getting clarity for both individuals and teams is to be clear about their strengths. People's greatest assets are their strengths, however not everyone is aware of or has clarity on their strengths and critically how these can be maximised in times of change and transition to explore new beginnings and future possibilities.







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